There’s been
talk about Blaenau’s downhill biking for a few years, with recent progress marked
by the uplift road reaching towards the top of the mountain. But for me, on an
icy, misty Saturday morning, this was the first time I got really excited. Simon from Antur Stiniog and Ceri led about
30 of us up the mountain to see the work in progress.
Along the
way were trails in varying states of completion and parked, with their buckets planted
nose first into the ground, were the orange excavators. One of the drivers is Jason Rennie, famous for
achieving the world record jump on a mountain bike of over 134 feet at Llandegla
in true Evel Knievel style. Not just a digger driver but a devotee of the sport
and this, along with the biking or motocross skills of the other operators,
will make Blaenau’s downhill that much better.
Steeply cambered
hairpin bends on high cliffs looked inviting, but the more I looked the more I
thought this could be a spectator sport. At the very top a small mound marked the site
of a ramp from which bikers will launch onto their chosen trail. For our
descent we chose the steepest black run. The gentle start lulled us into a
sense of false security but not for long, pretty soon we were peering into
descents challenging in sturdy walking boots.
Great care
has been taken to design and create the downhill biking in a sustainable manner,
not just in environmental but also economic terms. With a choice of 4 trails of varying severity
Blaenau will appeal to a wider cross section of bikers as opposed to other
downhill centres where there is just a single extreme trail. It will also be an all year round operation,
albeit snow and ice will of necessity close the uplift road and trails. At the
bottom of the trails in the car park will be the jump site (free of charge)
next to the cafe with visitor centre and viewing platform above. Unlike other subsidised
downhill centres, this one has been designed to be self-sustaining.
The cafe
will sell basic foods for bikers but will encourage customers wanting meals to go
down the road to Blaenau with a safe cycle route to aid them on their way. It sounds like the whole business and biking community
in the Vale of Ffestiniog has the opportunity to benefit.
Prices have
not yet been fixed but it is likely there will be permits for a day, for a half
day and for a ‘single hit’ – I’m not sure about the choice of words but this
sounds like the option for me. Market rates will dictate the prices but the day
ticket is thought to be in the region of £20 to £25 but best wait and see.
As we got
closer to the bottom we came to the ‘sting in the trail’, basically a bridge up
and over a path to propel you to the top of a rock with the straight on option
being what looked like almost certain death 15 or more feet below. There is an option to the left for those that
feel like wimping out.
Plans and
words can’t do it justice and, whilst walking the route brought the enormity of
it home to me, I can’t quite imagine what it would be like on two wheels. There’s
only one way to find out – I’ll put it on my bucket list.
For more information about this wonderful area
click here. For more information about the downhill biking which should be opening this summer contact Simon and Ceri at
Antur Stiniog.